Posted on: | 11/08/21 23:40:33 |
Last edited: | 01/04/25 11:28:18 |
“To live, is to risk it all.
Otherwise you’re just an inert
chunk of randomly assembled molecules
drifting wherever the universe
blows you.”
- Rick Sanchez (from the show Rick and Morty)
Money will not make you happy,
and happy will not make you money.
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
- Frank Herbert, Dune
“So don’t be afraid; your heart is in me, and it’s racing so fast now. ‘Cause everything we ever were or ever will be is shapeless as a changing cloud.”
“I prefer a dangerous freedom to a peaceful slavery… ”
- Thomas Jefferson
“While you are failing to define success (and thereby rendering it impossible) you are also refusing to define failure, to yourself, so that if and when you fail you won’t notice, and it won’t hurt. But that won’t work! You cannot be fooled so easily - unless you have gone very far down the road! You will instead carry with you a continual sense of disappointment in your own Being and the self-contempt that comes along with that and the increasing hatred for the world that all of that generates (or degenerates).”
“If you think privacy is unimportant for you because you have nothing to hide, you might as well say free speech is unimportant for you because you have nothing useful to say.”
comments from Positividad Tóxica, lo bueno y lo malo del coaching | THE WILD PROJECT
“En una sociedad donde puedes hacer de todo, tienes que lograr algo.”
Es una construcción psicológica. Todo el mundo puede hacer lo que sea.
Entonces todo el mundo tiene que ser algo.
El nivel de exigencia no se había visto antes en la historia de la humanidad.
“Somos 70% más productivos que hace 50 años. Somos unas máquinas de producir
y sin embargo, sigue habiendo demasiada frustración. Sabiendo psicología:
uno nunca logra satisfacer sus deseos por completos. El vacío de la falta
nunca se llena realmente. El ser humano es una máquina desecante.
Nos falta algo y por eso caminamos decía Lacan.
Siempre buscamos más cosas, algo más.
Es un deseo por ser completos.
El problema es que ese deseo se instrumentalizo en
nombre de la hiperproductividad.”
“La gente que te exige positividad no es que te quiera ver bien, es que
no puede tolerar tu queja, esa es la diferencia.”
“Si no le damos lugar a las quejas, no desaparecen.”
“Desire is something that humans will always desire.”
does time tell ? we tell what we want to tell about what can be told about time.
individual level.
how well they act on what they deem valuable on themselves
“Oh, man! The alphabet boys are not gonna like this video.”
No me juzguen por mis ideas !
“Somos nuestras relaciones.”
“La felicidad es el camino. No el destino.”
“Robbie está bien guapo.”
“Madurar es para frutas.”
“Don’t find fault,
find a remedy;
anybody can
Alex Gómez’s phrases that most of the time he reads whilst playing typeracer in Spanish.
“Nunca tengas miedo del día que no has visto.”
El sabio no dice todo lo que piensa,
pero siempre piensa todo lo que dice.
too fucking true.
Hay dos tipos de personas.
Las que consiguen lo que quieren,
y las que no se atreven a conseguir lo que quieren.
Amor y deseo son dos cosas diferentes.
que no todo lo que se ama se desea,
y no todo lo que se desea se ama.
- Don Quijote de la Mancha, Miguel de Cervantes.
I’m beginning to think that maybe great, epic romances don’t just happen. We have to make them ourselves. - - Marissa Meyer
La nature humaine est très faible,
mais elle est un nature qui est consciente,
consicente de sa propre faibilité.
- Germán Rueda Vazquez
“Lo único constante es el cambio.”
“The most difficult things to
point out are the most obvious.”
)“The internet is attention mining.”
- Hector Canizales