trevcan@internets /dev/human $

i feel good but i can't sleep

Posted on: 02/26/25 06:40:29
Last edited: 02/26/25 06:40:29

Today was a good day. I didn’t do much. No, but I did. I did do things. I do things. People can just do things, you know? They just can and they do, alrighty? Alrighty then! Where was I? Ah, yes. Doing things. And I did do things today. I slept. My Mom convinced me on doing some chinese exercises. I did like seven minutes or so.

Then I had a light breakfast. Granola, cottage cheese, melon (the pink fruit with greyish shell).

i did not have more food because i was mad with my Mother. I usually have some eggs. two to three eggs with some toast or some kind of carbohydrate. i’ve been slightly considering fully cutting off carbohydrates and seeing if that makes my abs look better. not that there will be much muscle but i will look physically better. i think maybe i should just stick to running.

then i procrastinated, i procrastinated i procrastinated. i sabotaged myself. the appointment with my psychologist was at 12, it was almost 11:30 when i started to take a shower. a super hot shower at first (would have loved having a shower with a woman), i just let that hotness seep into my body, then i put shampoo over my head, scrubbed. scrubbed off the oil from my ears, then rinsed, then put on the super cold water. put on the fancy patrick bateman face cleanser. no no, back up a bit. before that cleanser i put some foamy soap over my facial hair and tried to shave it off. I did shave something off. then i put on the fancy patrick bateman cleanser. and then i started to use this enequen plant scrub thing to scrub my body with soap. white soap.

then i rinsed. rinse and shine. smile and wave boys, smile and wave. then i got out of shower, tried to dry quickly but then check the time and it was way past the time to have been gone. shit i’m forgetting how to speak english please dont go away my language of simple desire. i dont want to lose you please stay with meeee.

i talked to steph. an old friend of mine. although i would like to know her more. i was actually thinking about her during the day, but she spoke to me first through instagram. i enjoyed our brief conversation. i think i might ask her out, as friends.


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