tagged with
02/26/25 i feel good but i can't sleep
01/26/24 On a bus.
01/28/23 Agárrate, ¡con las manos!
01/21/23 What?
10/13/22 Logging in to day
10/02/22 Not on the melancholy hill
09/30/22 Today is Friday my dudes !
06/18/22 At last my error.
06/01/22 A not-so-long plane ride.
05/14/22 Creo que extraño mi computadora
05/03/22 Information Flow
05/01/22 I drank coffee
04/20/22 On Top of the World, You Are Not - Nor Am I.
04/18/22 Weirdness of entropy or the Absurdity of Entropy.
04/11/22 I talked to a human.
04/07/22 Bonsoir
03/30/22 blogging while at physics class
03/30/22 Addicted to Black points
03/30/22 Nice website
03/26/22 tragedy
03/22/22 Speed running today